Judi Vitale, Empowerment Coach

Judi Vitale, Empowerment Coach

There are lots of coaches, but very few are equipped to take the same approach I do. My unique combination of skills will support all the different facets of your life, helping you develop more deeply in Mind, Body and Spirit.

Cancellation policy: 24 hours notice.

Choose a service to schedule


Initial Consultation - $100
Website consultation - $75
Intern call - $0
Internship Teaching Team Meet - $0
Meeting with Internship Teaching team
1 hour supervision for Wellness Students - $100
Supervision session for brief questions or advice on one client
Supervision - Private - $150
Supervision for Wellness Students


NCGR NYC Class Winter 2025- Basics - $125
Invitation to Transformation - $77 per person
Accept this invitation, and transform your life!


Hypnotherapy - INITIAL SESSION - $200
EMDR - $150
Past Life Regression - $150
Breathwork Session - $125
Hypnotherapy - FOLLOW-UP SESSION - $150
Private Consultation for Wellness Students - $50
This is for students wishing to consult or to be coached in their hypnotherapy practice, from handling difficult clients to marketing questions.


One Hour Astrology Reading - $125
90-Minute Astrology Reading - $225
30 minute Astrology Reading - $75
Tarot Reading - $75
Astrology for Partners - $150
Location Astrology - $125
Parent-Child Compatibility - $150
The Right Timing - $125


One Hour Coaching Session - $125
90 Minute Coaching Session - $150

Astrology Instruction

One-hour Astrology Instruction Session - $50
One hour of astrology instruction. This is not a counseling session! This is for you to learn how to read astrology charts.
Uranian Astrology Instruction - $75
This is not a counseling session - this is training designed for you to learn how to use Uranian Astrology and the 90-degree dial for doing consultations of your own.
Directions 3107 Riverfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
412 953 5315